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Christendom Series

A comprehensive narration of Western history written from the orthodox Catholic perspective


This series is the only comprehensive narration of Western history written from the orthodox Catholic perspective still in print. How would a historical narrative read if the author began with these first principles: Truth exists; the Incarnation happened? This series is essential reading for those who consider the West worth defending.

A Christ-Centered View of History

Volumes 1-6
Complete Series Collection
Volume 1
The Founding of Christendom
Volume 2
The Building of Christendom
Volume 3
The Glory of Christendom
Volume 4
The Cleaving of Christendom
Volume 5
The Revolution Against Christendom
Volume 6
The Crisis of Christendom

Purchase Volumes 1-6

Volume 1

The Founding of Christendom

The Founding of Christendom is the first volume in “The History of Christendom” series. This series is the only in-print, comprehensive narration of Western history written from an orthodox Catholic perspective. How would a historical narrative read if the author began with the first principles that truth exists and the Incarnation happened? This series is essential reading for those who consider the West worth defending.

Volume 2

The Building of Christendom

The Building of Christendom, 324-1100 is the second volume in The History of Christendom series. This series is the only in-print, comprehensive narration of Western history written from an orthodox Catholic perspective. How would a historical narrative read if the author began with the first principles that truth exists and the Incarnation happened? This series is essential reading for those who consider the West worth defending.

Volume 3

The Glory of Christendom

The Glory of Christendom, 1100-1517 is the third volume in “The History of Christendom” series. This series is the only in-print, comprehensive narration of Western history written from an orthodox Catholic perspective. How would a historical narrative read if the author began with the first principles that truth exists and the Incarnation happened? This series is essential reading for those who consider the West worth defending.

Volume 4

The Cleaving of Christendom

The Cleaving of Christendom, 1517-1661 is the fourth volume in “The History of Christendom” series. This series is the only in-print, comprehensive narration of Western history written from an orthodox Catholic perspective. How would a historical narrative read if the author began with the first principles that truth exists and the Incarnation happened? This series is essential reading for those who consider the West worth defending.

Volume 5

The Revolution Against Christendom

The Revolution Against Christendom, 1661-1815 is the fifth volume in Warren Carroll’s “The History of Christendom” series. This series is the only in-print, comprehensive narration of Western history written from an orthodox Catholic perspective. How would a historical narrative read if the author began with the first principles that truth exists and the Incarnation happened? This series is essential reading for those who consider the West worth defending.

Volume 6

The Crisis of Christendom

The Crisis of Christendom is the sixth and final volume of Dr. Warren H. Carroll’s history of Christendom. It is concerned with the “crises,” or turning points, in the diseases which plagued humanity during the modern era.
The book discusses in detail Nazi and Japanese militarism and its crisis in World War II, the inhuman system of Communism and its fall in 1989, and the origins and consequences of the denial of human dignity in the modern culture of death. Carroll shows the power of evil in the twentieth century, but focuses also on the great popes, in particular Pope John Paul II, and the great apparitions of the Marian Century. He ends with a call to hope and action.

Christendom series

A comprehensive narration of Western history

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