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History of Christendom Collection


The History of Christendom six volume series is the only in-print, comprehensive narration of Western history written from an orthodox Catholic perspective. How would a historical narrative read if the author began with the first principles that truth exists and the Incarnation happened? This series is essential reading for those who consider the West worth defending.

All six volumes are included:

  • Volume 1: The Founding of Christendom
  • Volume 2: The Building of Christendom
  • Volume 3: The Glory of Christendom
  • Volume 4: The Cleaving of Christendom
  • Volume 5: The Revolution Against Christendom
  • Volume 6: The Crisis of Christendom




Dimensions 9 × 6 × 9 in
Weight 12.38 oz
SKU CPHistorySeries


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History of Christendom Collection