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The Case for Patriarchy

For two thousand years, Christianity has taught, with startling specificity, that married men are patriarchs who should relate to their wives as Christ relates to His Bride, the Church. Yet as feminism swept across Western society in recent decades, our understanding of patriarchy became corrupted, and men have been astoundingly swift in their forfeiture of their God-given patriarchal rights and duties.

While The Case for Patriarchy articulates a position that is provocative in our day, it's a position that was without controversy for millennia. Why? Because Christians viewed patriarchy as a theological necessity according to the dictates of Christian Scripture and Tradition.

In these powerful pages, Timothy Gordon argues that Christ did more than establish a clerical patriarchy — an all-male priesthood. He also created a lay patriarchy of male householders who act as priests, prophets, and kings of their families. The supplantation of this patriarchy with a feminist "matriarchy," Gordon argues, has proven to be the most devastating of all the subversive revolutions waged upon Christendom by the radical, secular Left.

Gordon demonstrates that the Word of God single-handedly foils all the toxic plans of modern radicals, and centuries of Christian theology in the East and West have reinforced it. He pulls the curtain back on the "waves" of feminism that have swept over Western culture, and he refutes the methodology they employ to undermine men. Finally, he examines what the restoration of the Christian vocation should look like, as well as explores the patriarchal virtues that all men should exercise in their home and society.

Here is a book that boldly pushes back on the narrative that the patriarchy is dangerous to women and to society. Indeed, it is a book that unapologetically seeks a restoration of Western society based on patriarchal order, where justice and the common good can triumph.


Male and female are the two genders that God has created to complement each other and thus be mutually dependent on each other. He rightly points out that the breakdown in this complementarity is the fault of concupiscence on the part of men and women.

Joseph Strickland

With uncommon insight and courage, Gordon enjoins his readers to rout cultural revolutionaries by resurrecting the wisdom of the ages. "The Case For Patriarchy" is "man-splaining" at its very best.

Michael Knowles

As Tim Gordon shows in this trumpet blast of a book, the patriarchy so despised by default today contains the very seeds of restoration for which everyone is crying out: happier marriages, stronger families, a healthier Church, a more just economic and social order.

Patrick Coffin






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SKU d28418
SKU 8401
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The Case for Patriarchy