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Rebuilding Catholic Culture

How the Catechism Can Shape Our Common Life

Rarely does a book come along that so succinctly explains the decline of modern culture, articulates a defense of the Church's teachings, and offers a hope-filled path for building a civilization grounded in Catholic truth.

In these pages, Dr. Ryan Topping does all three, pulling back the curtain on the false philosophies of the secularists and showing that in the West today the most formidable threat to freedom is not failing economies or Islam, but secularism. Our best defense, he claims, is a vibrant Catholic culture, and our best hope for creating it lies in the principles found in the Catechism of the Catholic Church.

This book takes you on a masterful journey through the relevant portions of the Catechism, distilling sophisticated theological concepts into words that are simple, clear, and direct, while unpacking its core teachings on faith and morals that nurture true civilizations.

In Rebuilding Catholic Culture, you'll also discover sensible ways to begin restoring Catholic culture — right now — in your own life and family, and in our larger communities as well: in the theater, the classroom, in our hospitals, and even in the public square.

This profoundly accessible book will renew your confidence in the world-transforming character of our Creed and in the potency of our Faith to shape and redefine the culture of the West.


This book deserves to take its place among the Catholic classics.

Fr. Aidan Nichols, O.P.

This profound work of scholarship is a delight to read. It is shot through with gentle humor, and has a Chestertonian sense of paradox and irony. His exposition of the liturgy is particularly powerful.

Fr. John Saward

Ryan Topping wields the Catechism as a weapon of wisdom with which he demolishes the nonsense of the worldly philosophies and the sophistries they espouse.

Joseph Pearce

This extraordinary book should be read by every Catholic parent, pastor, educator, politician - in fact, everyone.

Michael O'Brien

Rebuilding Catholic Culture is a lively and readable work of apologetics. Topping combines a breadth of scope with an elegance of style, producing dozens of memorable insights and epigrammatic sentences.

Phil Lawler






Dimensions N/A
Weight N/A
SKU 4944
SKU d21488


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Rebuilding Catholic Culture