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About Shaun McAfee

On Easter 2012, Shaun became a member of the Catholic Church and quickly got started talking to people about the ideas that urged him to convert, soon taking up blogging and writing in a more permanent fashion. Shaun’s writing is know for its honesty, down-to-earth approach to life as a Christian, and a meek and humble voice in the defense of the Christian faith. Shaun also enjoys Catholic humor, and founded EpicPew.com in 2014. Shaun McAfee was born in Sierra Vista, AZ in 1986. He enjoys writing, teaching, studying, sports, and his family. He writes about Catholic life, evangelization, and apologetics. He holds a BA in Aeronautics from the University of North Dakota, a Masters in Business Administration, and is currently completing his MA in Theology with Holy Apostles College and Seminary.

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