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About Leila Marie Lawler

Leila Marie Lawler is a wife of one, mother of seven, and grandmother of sixteen (and counting!). She lives in Central Massachusetts.Leila encountered Christianity as a high school student and entered the Catholic Church in 1979, the year she was married to Philip F. Lawler, noted Catholic author and editor of Catholic World News.Her own journey of faith has given her an appreciation for the difficulties and excitement today’s family faces in living its Christian calling. She often encourages all kinds of audiences to commit to the renewal of family life.Leila practices “kitchen sink philosophy” at Like Mother, Like Daughter, a website for practical and theoretical insight into all aspects of daily life. She writes on everything from cooking and knitting to education and recovering what she and her daughters call “the collective memory.”Her book, co-authored with David Clayton, The Little Oratory: A Beginner’s Guide to Praying in the Home, is published by Sophia Institute Press. Scott Hahn said of it, “How I wish I’d had this book when I first became a Catholic… This is one of the most beautiful books I’ve ever seen. It is inspiring yet practical, realistic yet revolutionary. If one book has the potential to transform the Catholic family (and society), this is it.”Her book God Has No Grandchildren: A guided reading of Pius XI’s encyclical Casti Connubii, On Chaste Marriage (2nd edition) is available from Arouca Press.

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