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Sister, Soldier, Surgeon

The Life and Courage of Sister Deirdre Byrne, M.D.

Meet a modern-day Joan of Arc. Whether in scrubs, camouflage, or a religious habit, Sr. Dede Byrne, in her threefold calling as a professed religious sister, renowned surgeon, and U.S. Army colonel, inspire us to both virtue and action.

If the apostles had remained hidden in the Upper Room, we would never have a Church today. Similarly, Sister’s inspirational life serves as a call to emerge from the safety of the Upper Room and enter the public square to courageously infuse culture with an unapologetic defense of Christ’s beauty, truth, and goodness.

Whether saving lives on battlefields or outside the doors of abortion clinics, this exciting narrative offers a rare glimpse into the life of a contemporary heroine who dedicates herself to care of the poor, love of God and country, and an unwavering defense of the unborn. These exhilarating pages detail:

  • Sister’s journey in discerning and living her vocational calling and her personal vow of
    providing free and loving medical care to the poor
  • Her heroic national keynote address that took the nation by storm and embodied the
    essence of courageously living one’s faith in the public square
  • The moral prescriptions required for remaining in the state of grace and attaining eternal
  • The impactful way Sister proposes Christ to everyone she meets with fearless abandon and
    determined love

Sr. Dede ministered at Ground Zero on September 11, served as St. Mother Teresa’s personal physician, was deployed as a surgeon to Afghanistan for Operation Enduring Freedom, facilitated the rescue of citizens hiding from the Taliban, and travels regularly to the war-torn Nuba Mountains in Sudan to provide life-saving medical care to inhabitants under siege.

Dubbed “the Mother Teresa of D.C.,” Sr. Dede continues to provide medical care to the marginalized from her convent basement clinic and administer the abortion pill reversal procedure that has resulted in the delivery of more than a dozen healthy babies. At home and abroad, she spreads her message of love and her exhortations for remaining in the state of grace so that we might all attain our eternal end — eternity with God in Heaven.


Sister, Soldier, Surgeon is a remarkable and inspiring story about Sister Dede Byrne — a woman who boldly confronts adversity and tragedy with strength, humility, and unwavering devotion to Jesus Christ.

Callista Gingrich

In Sister, Soldier, Surgeon: The Life and Courage of Sister Deirdre Byrne, Leisa Marie Carzon, Ph.D., captures the extraordinary spirit and profound impact of Sister Byrne’s life with vivid storytelling and deep insight. This captivating biography, blending Sister Byrne’s thrilling experiences as a professed Catholic nun, renowned surgeon, and retired U.S. Army colonel, with her unwavering faith and service, offers readers an unparalleled glimpse into the life of a modern-day heroine. Carzon’s narrative not only celebrates Sister Byrne’s remarkable achievements across continents and battlefields but also serves as a powerful call to action, embodying the essence of living one’s faith courageously in the public square.

Anthony DeStefano

In a nation longing for leaders willing to speak truth without fear or apology, Sister Dede Byrne testifies to the love of Christ and demonstrates the importance of boldly living our faith in the public square. Dr. Carzon’s captivating account of Sister’s heroic life is an inspiration to all of us.

Bob McEwen

Sister Dede is one of my favorite Catholics. Whether it’s the military frontlines of Afghanistan, the medical frontlines of COVID, or the political frontlines of the fight for the unborn, Sister Dede always fearlessly goes where she is needed most. Her story should be heard by more people — so they know what real Christian heroism is like.

Charlie Kirk

This is an inspiring story of a humble woman born for this time of great divisions and distress in our nation — a modern-day Joan of Arc. While some claim we have already crossed the Rubicon of a dying civilization, Sister Deirdre “Dede” Byrne is a shining example of how Christians should not despair but should cling to their faith. Despite all the obstacles placed in her path, she relentlessly defends her faith, country, and the unborn. Her weapon of choice is the Rosary. And despite an avalanche of criticism, she publicly proclaimed her steadfast support to the most pro-life president in the history of the United States.

Dick Thompson

A magnificently moving testimonial of one woman’s courage, compassion, and commitment. Her life of heroic virtue is filled with lessons for all people seeking to live everyday virtue.

Dr. Ray Guarendi

A beautiful account of an extraordinary woman and an extraordinary life. Sister Deirdre Byrne’s threefold career calling, though unusual, is deeply instructive and exemplary. This timely, uplifting story will bring hope and inspiration to a culture presently much in need. In both the spiritual and terrestrial realms, Sister Dede shines. This book provides the light.

William Bennett

Sister Dede is a steadfast champion of the Rosary whose life and actions witness the love of Christ to a world much in need.

Donald Calloway

Sister Dede’s dedication to protecting unborn and eternal life is an inspiring story for all of us on how to live our godly purpose. Thank you, Dr. Carzon, for telling it.

Glenn Beck

In a moment in history when young Americans yearn for authentic heroes and role models, Sister Dede’s story provides a compass for a life lived in service and faith that will inspire and enrich generations to come.

John Solomon

Sister Dede’s love shines forth in everything she does. Whether in the chapel, in the operating room, or on the front lines of battle, her faith and trust in God are inspirational. I highly recommend Dr. Carzon’s wonderful book and hope it will help many to realize the impact and incredible life of this courageous sister.

Julian Heron

Sister Dede’s fearless defense of the unborn is inspirational. This powerful biography by Dr. Carzon highlights Sister’s courage and emboldens us to walk proudly beside her in the fight for life.

Kristan Hawkins

Sister Dede is an inspiration. Her intellect, religious devotion, courage, and grit are a rare and compelling combination. This book will give readers a healthy dose of the hope, encouragement, and humor that’s needed now more than ever.

Laura Ingraham

Dr. Leisa Marie Carzon does a wonderful job detailing the powerful life and most important work of Sister Deirdre Byrne as she serves Him through serving the most vulnerable.

Marjorie Dannenfelser

One mark of our age’s corruption is how little we learn about the saints. The greatest people ever to have lived go largely unmentioned. That sad fact describes not only the canonized dead but also and especially the exemplars of faith and virtue who still walk the earth. In this latter category, none rank higher than Sister Dede Byrne, whose life offers inspiration and a model to emulate. Dr. Carzon’s marvelous biography of Sister Dede goes a long way toward helping us get to know one of the very best among us.

Michael Knowles

The remarkable modern-day story of Sister Deirdre “Dede” Byrne, P.O.S.C., is beautifully told by Dr. Leisa Carzon in this compelling biography. It is hard to put this captivating book down. Combining the courage of a Joan of Arc and the compassion of a Mother Teresa, Sister Dede is the living embodiment of what John Paul II described as the “feminine genius.” Whether she is in scrubs, camouflage, or her religious habit, Sister Dede proposes Christ to everyone she meets in a winning, joy-filled way, with fearless abandon and determined love. This is a beautiful story of a modern woman that everyone should read.

James Conley

It is said the opposite of fear is love (see 1 John 4:18). The inspirational courage of Sister Dede Byrne to speak Christ’s truth without fear or apology in every aspect of her life is a manifestation of the way she so beautifully loves all she encounters. This incredible, must-read book by Dr. Carzon chronicles the life of one of our nation’s finest heroes and shows us what it means to be Christ’s hands in a world desperate for His love.

Joseph Coffey

“I can do all things through Him who strengthens me” is a familiar Scripture passage from Saint Paul’s Letter to the Philippians. Sister Dede’s life of selfless service is a remarkable reflection of these words. Sister Dede has dedicated her life to healing people in body and soul. Known not only as “pro-life” but “pro–eternal life,” this modern-day Joan of Arc is an outspoken advocate of the Catholic Faith and the unborn. Dr. Leisa Marie Carzon vividly captures the life and courage of this extraordinary woman.

Salvatore Cordileone

These pages tell an amazing story of a doctor, religious woman, and army colonel who has served her country in all three roles without contradiction. She embodies the Catholic tradition of service in truth, and we are enriched by her commitment. Dr. Carzon tells her story well — now it is up to us to learn and to imitate, the highest form of flattery.

Timothy Broglio

Sister Dede Byrne brings the love of Christ to all she encounters, and she exemplifies the feminine genius. I hope Dr. Carzon’s beautiful story of Sister’s heroic service to God, the country, the unborn, and the Body of Christ will move the hearts of young women to consider a similar life of service.

Mother Assumpta Long

Sister Dede is an American hero who served her country with devotion and courage from Ground Zero to Afghanistan and back. She is a beautiful personification of the many patriots who draw upon their faith to build and sustain this great country. I hope her powerful story, as told by Dr. Carzon, will inspire a new generation of Catholics and Americans to a life of service.

Donald Trump

Sister Dede Byrne is a hero. Whether in the operating room or in the public square, she exemplifies the feminine genius and demonstrates love in action in all she does. Dr. Carzon’s page-turner chronicles Sister’s life while revealing her daily life of prayer and charity. This is an inspiring life worthy of attention and, one hopes, imitation.

Raymond Arroyo

I have the highest regard for both Sister Deirdre “Dede” Byrne, P.O.S.C., and for Dr. Leisa Marie Carzon. Dr. Carzon’s biography of Sister Dede is an edifying and inspiring story of God’s grace at work in the life of a soul who completely surrenders to His Truth and Love, known through both reason and faith. It is clear that God guided Sister Dede by a faithful Catholic family and through the spiritual counsel of Servant of God John A. Hardon, S.J.; Saint Teresa of Calcutta, M.C.; and His Eminence James Aloysius Cardinal Hickey to be a Sister in our nation’s capital, evangelizing for the King of Kings and Lord of Lords; to be a soldier for the United States of America, for the Kingdom of God, and for the right to life; and to be a surgeon who serves as an instrument in the hands of our healing and merciful God. I highly encourage everyone to reap the fruits of this excellent study of the life of Sister Dede, a coworker with Christ in the Truth (see John 3:8).

Raymond Burke

As a great admirer of Sister Dede, I am thrilled that Dr. Carzon has put into print this compelling, comprehensive narrative of Sister’s life and work. In a world of cynicism and narcissism, this is a story that must be told because it is a tale of good conquering evil, of light over darkness, and of life over death. Dr. Carzon has captured most accurately the heart of this current-day Mother Teresa, and it will be both a delight and an inspiration to everyone who reads this book.

Edward Meeks

Courageous love and the recognition of the value of every individual life are embodied by Sister Dede. Grounded in a love of Our Lord, she serves Him and her patients, including speaking with an unapologetic clarity for the voiceless little ones. May we follow Sister’s example so beautifully told by Dr. Carzon and fearlessly defend the unborn.

Robin Pierucci

Sister Dede Byrne’s heroic service as a colonel and a surgeon in the U.S. Army alone makes this book worth reading, but her service in the days immediately after 9/11 at the World Trade Center and her deployments to battle zones such as in Afghanistan make Dr. Carzon’s book a must-read.

Steve O’Keefe

Sisters in black habits are usually not thought of as globe-trotters and powerful political figures. But hold on to your hat because this sister will rattle these generalizations. Dr. Carzon has done us all a favor in bringing the life of Sister Dede Byrne to light.

Steve Ray

Over the course of two thousand years and in every era of Church history, there have been those who respond heroically to God’s call to ministry in defense of life and human dignity. In Sister, Soldier, Surgeon, we hear the remarkable story of one such person, Sister Dede Byrne, who has been an instrument of divine mercy in the heat of battle and in the medical clinic. She exemplifies a life of loving service dedicated to healing the whole person in imitation of her beloved Spouse, Jesus Christ. May Dr. Carzon’s story of Sister’s life inspire many others to respond similarly to the call to service in the vocation of medicine.

Steve White

Americans and the rest of the world can always use more stories about the lives of saints and the battles of heroes. Dr. Carzon’s book on the indomitable Sister Dede fits the bill.

Tom Fitton






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